☑️ Removes inaccessible rust, scale & sludge from the entire cooling system
☑️ Helps prevent overheating and costly break down
☑️ Prevents foaming and helps engine run at cooler temperature
☑️ Prolongs life of cooling system components
☑️ Installs special conditioner to protect the cooling system components and controls rust and corrosion
BG Universal Super Cool® coolant additive is specially formulated for use in conventional, long life, hybrid and heavy duty coolants. It provides outstanding protection for all metals utilized in modern automotive cooling systems. It has excellent corrosion inhibitors, anti-foam capabilities, and is biodegradable in its unused form. Passes ASTM 2809 & ASTM 2570 in ASTM Reference synthetic used coolant.
Part Number: 546M
Quantity: 354 mL
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