Diesel Engine Performance Restoration – PN 10932M

☑️ Eliminates & controls engine oil sludge buildups
☑️ Dissolves & removes deposits from piston rings
☑️ Optimizes engine compression
☑️ Eliminates Oil Consumption
☑️ Restores engine power & performance “Like New”
☑️ Prevents new oil from oxidizing
☑️ Prolongs life of the engine


BG EPRTM Engine Performance RestorationTM softens and dissolves hard-to-remove deposits from piston rings in as little as 30 minutes! Properly sealed combustion chambers improve compression and reduce oil dilution through blow-by. BG EPRTM restores fuel economy and power and is harmless to seals and other engine components.

Part Number: 10932M
Quantity: 32 FL. OZ. (946 mL)

Test ASTM Test Method Typical Test Results
API Gravity @ 15.6°C (60°F) D287 29.8
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C (60°F) D1298 0.8773
Density, U.S. lb./gal. (kg/m³) @ 15.6°C (60°F) D1250 7.314 (876.4)
Flash Point, PMCC D93 43°C (110°F)
Viscosity, cSt @ 100°C (212°F) D445 6.5
Viscosity, cSt @ 40°C (104°F) D445 29.0
Viscosity Index D2270 165
Pour Point D6749 –45°C (–49°F)
Color Visual Amber


For best results, ensure the engine is at operating temperature before use. Shut off the engine, then follow these steps:

  1. For crankcases with a 4–6 Quart/Liter oil capacity, add 11 oz. (325 mL) of BG EPR® directly to the crankcase.
  2. Start the engine, bring it to full operating temperature, and run the engine for 10 minutes at 1,200 RPM. For Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines and small light-duty passenger diesel engines, run the engine for a minimum of 20 minutes at the same RPM.
  3. Shut off the engine, drain the oil, and remove the old oil filter.
  4. Replace the oil filter and refill the crankcase with manufacturer-recommended new oil.

NOTE: This product is not intended for use in engines with excessive sludge buildup. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.


BG Products, Inc., accepts no liability for excessive use or misuse of this product.

Product Data Sheets
