BG Windshield Washer Concentrate – PN 890M

☑️ Effectively cleans windshields
☑️ Removes ice and residues
☑️ Provides anti-fogging protection
☑️ Restores clear visibility

BG Windshield Washer Concentrate contains an effective cleaner and de-icer that safely removes these residues from your automotive windshield to restore that clear “New Car” view. Includes anti-fogging properties. Add entire contents (16 oz/473 mL) to 48 oz/1.5 L of water and pour into vehicle windshield washer reservoir.

Part Number: 890M
Quantity: 473 mL

Test ASTM Test Method Typical Test Results
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C (60°F) D1298 0.7918
Density, U.S. lb./gal. @ 15.6°C (60°F) D1250 6.601
API Gravity D287 47.2
Flash Point, TCC D56 11°C (52°F)
Pour Point D97 <–57°C (–70°F)
Color Visual Blue


Add 16 oz. (473 mL) to 48 oz. (1.5 Liters) of water and pour into the vehicle’s windshield washer reservoir. To comply with VOC regulations where required, the minimum dilution on this product must be 1 part product to 2 parts water.


BG Products, Inc., accepts no liability for excessive use or misuse of this product.

Product Data Sheets
