☑️ Rough idle
☑️ Poor performance
☑️ Increased exhaust emissions
☑️ Reduces harmful exhaust emissions
☑️ Restores engine performance
☑️ Restores fuel efficiency
BG Air Intake System Cleaner is an extremely effective solvent/degreaser formulation that quickly removes sticky, heavy deposits which accumulate in the air throttle body assemblies and plenums of modern, multi-port fuel injected engines. Clean up reduces harmful exhaust emissions and restores engine performance. Catalytic converter and oxygen sensor safe. BG Air intake System Cleaner is designed to be used with the BG VIATM Vehicle Injection Apparatus.
Part Number: PN206M
Quantity: 11 fl. oz. (325 mL) can
Test | ASTM Test Method | Typical Test Results |
API Gravity @ 15.6°C (60°F) | D4052 | 33.8 |
Specific Gravity @ 15.6°C (60°F) | D4052 | 0.8558 |
Density, U.S. lbs./gal. (kg/m³) @ 15.6°C (60°F) | D4052 | 7.142 (855.8) |
Flash Point, TCC | D56 | –28°C (–18°F) |
Pour Point | D6749 | <–40°C (<–40°F) |
Color | D1500 | L1.0 |
Color | Visual | Light Yellow |
BG Air Intake System Cleaner is to be used only with the BG AIS Cleaning Tool, PN 9206. Follow instructions provided with tool.
WARNING: Do not allow prolonged contact with painted surfaces, plastic, or rubber material. Safe when used as recommended.
BG Products, Inc., accepts no liability for excessive use or misuse of this product.
Product Data Sheets